Auto-Deliver Orders

Auto-Deliver Orders will allow the orders to be automatically marked as delivered when they follow certain conditions. This can be used for varied use cases like for processing a lot of orders processed outside Cin7 Orderhive that are stuck in the processing stage or for marking orders as delivered when specific tags are added or for marking orders as delivered after a certain timeframe.

For example:

Jack fulfills his orders outside Cin7 Orderhive (with a dropshipper), but he does not feed tracking data in his orders in Cin7 Orderhive. In this case, all his orders will be stuck in the Not Confirmed/Confirmed/Shipped stage, and the same status will be pushed to his channel as well. Now Jack’s dropshipper fulfills the orders in a day, and they get delivered to customers in 5 days. So, Jack can set an automation to move the orders to the delivered stage after 5 days since they were received.

How to set an Automation for Marking Orders as Delivered automatically:

  • Go to the Automation section.

  • Select the ‘+ New ’ button in the bottom menu bar.

  • Add Automation Name and Description (Optional).

  • In ‘Starts when’, select Trigger i.e. when do you want the automation to run. For Jack’s example, let’s set the trigger as ‘Order Created’.

  • In the ‘If’ section, set conditions on which Automation can decide its action. You can choose multiple conditions according to your needs.  For Jack’s example, we’ve set conditions as : if Warehouse is ‘Naqel’ and ‘Order age is greater than or equal to 5 days’.

  • In the Then section, set actions that you want to apply if conditions that you set in previous steps are met. In Jack’s case, we’ve set actions as ‘Deliver Order’, select Ship from Naqel warehouse.

  • Click on the + Add button and your automation will be created. It will run when triggers and conditions are matched.

Note: Automation will apply to the orders which will sync after enabling automation. It will not apply to already synced orders.


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