Auto sync invoices with accounting channels

Auto-sync will help create and sync the invoices to the accounting channels once the order syncs into Orderhive and it fulfills the conditions that are assigned in the automation.

In this automation, invoices will be created automatically whenever the order is synced from a particular store, and if the accounting channel like Xero/QBO is integrated, invoices will be sent to them automatically.  

  • To create an Automation, go to the Automations section and click on the New button to add new automation.

  • Add Automation Name and Description.
  • Select appropriate triggers: Inbuilt Trigger or Custom Triggers.
  • Select the trigger Order Created.

  • The next step would be to set the conditions that the automation will check and based on that, initiate actions of the automation.
  • The condition can be selected from the If section of the automation creation page.

  • For example, if the store of the order is Orderhive, it should automatically create an invoice for those orders. In such case, condition can be set up as shown below.

  • Once the condition is selected, you can select the actions accordingly.

  • In this case, select Create Invoice action and select appropriate options. Please note that if the invoice needs to be synced to accounting channels, select the relevant tax that is synced from Xero/QBO.   

  • Once you select actions for the automation, click on Add. The automation once configured will create the invoices for all the orders from store Orderhive.

Similarly, you can create this automation with various other conditions.


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