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Feature Request Policy and Process.

We built our company by listening to our customers.

Cin7 Orderhive is a comprehensive Order & Inventory Management platform used by thousands of Brand Sellers. This means we receive a lot of continuous and valuable feedback and suggestions that can enhance our system. Unfortunately, we cannot follow through on every suggestion and we need to say ‘no’ more than we would like to.

While we don’t publish our product roadmap, we want to be transparent about how we handle your feature ideas.

Please Note: This policy does not apply to bugs.

How To Submit A Feature Idea?

While you can submit your ideas directly on the feature idea forum, we recommend that you first discuss the idea with our support team by opening a support ticket.
Here are the steps to submit an idea directly:

  • Select Feedback from your Cin7 Orderhive Dashboard.

  • Submit your Idea 

  • Ensure all the details of the feature are included. Provide examples or use cases to demonstrate the need for the feature.
  • Create separate posts for separate feature requests. This is very helpful in providing better tracking.

When you post the idea directly on the forum, our team reviews the idea to see if it is relevant before making it public. If it is a valid feature idea, then the post is published.

What Happens After Submitting An Idea?

Our engineer may:

  • Ask for additional information.
  • Propose an alternative approach or a workaround.
  • Find out if the development isn’t already in place.
  • Determine whether the request can be accommodated or not

After the team confirms the proposed idea is valid, it is published on the forum for others to comment and vote on. The original support ticket is then closed.

How Do We Prioritize Feature Ideas?

We take a number of factors into consideration when prioritizing feature development, including:

  • Product strategy - Ideas need to be aligned with our long-term strategic vision.
  • Demand - Are there other customers who have proposed this idea or would benefit from this functionality?
  • Level of effort - simple feature requests have a shorter implementation time than complex features.
  • Availability of our team and resources.

How to Track What Is Happening to a Proposed Idea?

After the product team decides to work on a proposed feature, the status of the post on the feedback page changes to Planned. Depending on the complexity of the implementation, it may take one to three quarters to complete it.
The status of the post will be updated to Completed once the feature is released to production.