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  2. Integrations
  3. FTP (File Transfer Protocol) Integration

FTP - Inventory Export Integration

FTP is a file transfer protocol to transfer files from one location to another. Orderhive enables sellers to export Orderhive inventory count to other systems. It is mainly used to export quantity updates to share with distributors or wholesalers who are sending dropship orders.

Reaching FTP Inventory Integration:

  • Go to Integrations from the left side menu
  • Click on FTP
  • Click on FTP Inventory Export

Store Name:

Insert your desired Store Name. Try to keep it short and unique.

Default Warehouse:

This shows the list of all the available warehouses in the drop-down where you can select one warehouse to send inventory updates through FTP.

Host IP Address:

It is the IP address of a device where the file needs to be exported. Add host IP address in the field.

FTP/SFTP Port Number:

Please add the port number according to the type of integration. You will find this information with your supplier or manufacturer who is providing FTP integration.

FTP/SFTP Username and Password:

Add the username and password to access the other system to export a file.

FTP Connection Type:

Select the FTP connection type based on your FTP connection.

After filling all the necessary fields, please click on Next.

File Location:

Add the complete location where the file is located on the other system/server.

File Name Type:

Select the Fix or Dynamic file type from the drop-down according to your process.

Fix: If you select Fix, the quantity will be updated on the same file when the scheduler runs. 

Dynamic: When the scheduler runs every time a new file will be created with updated inventory on FTP server.

File Name:

Write the exact name of the file which will be available on FTP server for Export.

Note: Enter the remote file name without extension. If "File Name Type" is "fixed" this will be the filename else it will be file prefix.

Processing Template:

Upload the sample file consists of all the headings. You can also upload the same file which you have on the server for the inventory export. Headings that are in the file and in Orderhive will be mapped.

Note: Browse file processing template(.csv and .xml file only).

Sync Time Interval:

Select the time interval from the drop-down at which Orderhive should send for the updates in other systems.

After adding all the required details, click on the Save button.

The next step is to map fields between Orderhive and the sample file. It will be done by our technical support team. Please contact Orderhive support for the same.


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