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  2. Integrations
  3. FTP (File Transfer Protocol) Integration

FTP - Inventory Import Integration

FTP is a file transfer protocol to transfer files from one location to another. Cin7 Orderhive enables sellers to bring inventory updates from other systems to their Cin7 Orderhive accounts. It is mainly used to bring quantity updates from the suppliers/manufacturers’ systems.

Reaching FTP Inventory Integration:

  • Go to Integrations from the left side menu
  • Click on the FTP category
  • Click on FTP (Inventory Import)

In step 1, you’ll need to add FTP server-related information. 

Store Name:

Insert your desired Store Name. Try to keep it short and unique.

Default Warehouse:

This shows the list of all the available warehouses in the drop-down where you can select one warehouse to save inventory updates coming through FTP.

Host IP Address:

It is the IP address of the server where the file is located. 

FTP/SFTP Port Number:

Please add the port number according to the type of integration. You will find this information with your supplier or manufacturer who is providing FTP integration.

FTP/SFTP Username and Password:

Add the username and password to access the FTP system to import a file.

FTP Connection Type:

Select the FTP connection type based on your FTP connection.

After filling in all the necessary fields, please click on Next.

In step 2, add the file-related details. 

File Location:

Add the complete location where the file is located on the other system/server.

File Name:

Write the exact name of the file which will send inventory updates to Cin7 Orderhive.

Note: Enter the remote file name without extension. If "File Name Type" is "fixed" this will be the filename else it will be a file prefix.

Data Template Type:

Add the file extension details, CSV or XML, in this field. You won’t be able to change it once the integration is added.  

Rename File:

If Rename File option is enabled, the file name will be changed every time it’s processed in  Cin7 Orderhive’s integration. 

Server Time Zone: 

Select the time zone of the primary server from where the file will be fetched from. 

Sync Time Interval:

Select the time interval from the drop-down at which Cin7 Orderhive should check for the updates in another system.

After adding all the required details, click on the Next button.

The last step is to map fields between Cin7 Orderhive and the sample file. You have to add the details of which fields the integration will be reading and update the inventory information in Cin7 Orderhive. 

Once the mapping is done, click on Save. It’ll start importing the files from CSV when the next scheduler runs.


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