Houzz Integration & Order Management

This article explains the order and customer details that Cin7 Orderhive imports from Houzz and what information is updated back to Houzz.

Once integrated, Cin7 Orderhive automatically syncs sales orders and customers from your Houzz store.

Cin7 Orderhive imports the below order fields from Houzz:

Billing address

Shipping address

Total (inclusive tax)

Customer message (synced as comments in Cin7 Orderhive)

Payment method

Payment status (If captured, will be marked as paid in Cin7 Orderhive. If not captured, it will stay as unpaid in Cin7 Orderhive)

Extra items (shipping costs, discount)


Cin7 Orderhive imports the below customer details from Houzz:


First name, last name


Address (street 1, street 2, company, city, country, zip)

Order Status Mapping

During the initial sync, the below Houzz order status will be mapped and synced in Cin7 Orderhive.

The below image shows the change in order status in Cin7 Orderhive gets updated in Houzz.

After integration, orders, customers, and returns will get imported in Cin7 Orderhive automatically.

Push Stock Quantities: This toggle button enables you to push the inventory quantities to the Houzz channel.

Push Order Status Updates: This toggle button enables you to push the status updates from Confirmed to Delivered from Cin7 Orderhive to Houzz.

Push Price Updates: This toggle button enables you to push the price updates from Cin7 Orderhive to Houzz.

Automatically archive products in Cin7 Orderhive when deleted on store: When any product has been deleted in Houzz, those products will be auto-archived in Cin7 Orderhive so that they don’t appear in the product list.


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