Main menu navigation changes

Cin7 Orderhive changed the look of its main menu navigation. The primary purpose of this release is to offer World Class Experience and Easy To Use interface which enables users to conduct actions as quickly as possible.

This is how it looks :



After a thorough analysis and user feedback, we designed the navigation in such a manner that it would be easy to navigate through different modules, and at the same time, the steps to take major actions are reduced. Therefore, we followed and combined these approaches together :

  • Module-focused setup (with interrelated modules now merged together).

  • Action-focused setup.

  • Modern UI/UX for ease of use.


Module-focused setup

  • Modules such as Sales Orders, Shipments, Returns, and Customers have been merged together under 'Order'.

    • Note: They are still separate modules, but are now child modules of 'Order'

  • How it will help?

    • It will free the users from the task of scrolling through all the modules' just to reach a specific module, which in turn reduces the cognitive load.

    • This is how it looks :




Action-focused setup

  • In the new design, for different modules major action links are already given. Users will no longer have to open the module and then click on a specific action button.

  • In the same way as actions, easy settings configurations have been provided. A separate settings module still exists, however users can now go to a specific module’s settings with just a single click.

    • Example :

      • For the Order module, the major actions are listed as

        • Create sales order

        • Create new return

        • Create new customer

  • This is how it looks :
