Manage Tags

Tags are filterable keywords associated with records (products, purchase orders, sales orders, customers, work orders, and BOMs) that can help you find information easily and enhance search.

You can create tags from the account settings page or directly through select modules. In Cin7 Orderhive, Tags are color-coded labels. While adding tags, you can select a specific color for every tag. 

Tags in Products:

Create Tags:

  • Go to the Products module. 
  • Open the product that you need to add a tag on. Upon opening the product, you’ll see a field right below the product name called Add Tag.
    Alternatively, you can select the product using the checkbox, click on More and then click on the Add Tag button.
  • Once you click on the Add Tag button, it will open a small add tag box that lets you enter the tag detail. If the entered value in the Add Tag field already exists, it will search the same and show you the option to select the existing tag. If a new tag detail is entered, for adding a new tag, the user has to click on the Enter button after typing in the tag details. 

Here’s how you’ll be able to see the tags on the Product and product listing page.

 Adding Tags for Products in Bulk:

  • Select the products to which you want to add the tags using the check-box. 
  • Click the Add Tags button from the bottom menu bar.
  • Add the desired tag and select it. It’ll be added to all the selected products. 

Manage Product Tags: 

To manage product tags, go to Settings > Products > Tags. 

Here’s a list of actions that you can perform for the existing tags:

  • You can change the color of the tag by clicking on a color dot right next to the tag name.
  • You can edit the name of the tag by clicking on the Edit button. It will apply the change on all products too.
  • You can Delete the tag if it’s no longer required. It will be removed from all products as well.

Tags in Orders:

Create Tags:

  • Go to the Orders tab.
  • Open the order you need to add a tag on. Once an order is opened, you’ll see the tag button, click on it and a new dialogue box will open for adding the tag.
    Alternatively, you can also select the order using the check-box, click on More and then click on Add Tag button. It’ll open a new dialog box for adding the tag.

  • In the add tag dialogue box, if the tag already exists for the value that you entered, it will pick the same and assign it to the order.
    However, if a new tag is entered you can click on Create New Tag button for adding a new one.

Here’s how you’ll be able to see the order tags on the order detail page and the order listing page.

Adding Tags to Orders in Bulk:

  • Select the orders to which you want to add the tags using the check-box. 
  • Click the Add Tags button from the bottom menu bar.
  • Add the desired tag and select it. It’ll be added to all the selected orders. 

Manage Order Tags: 

To manage order tags, go to Settings > Orders > Order Tags. 

Here’s a list of actions that you can perform for the existing tags:

  • You can change the color of the tag by clicking on a color dot right next to the tag name.
  • You can edit the name of the tag by clicking on the Edit button. It will apply the change on all orders too.
  • You can Delete the tag if it’s no longer required. It will be removed from all orders as well.


Tags in Purchase Orders:

Create Tags:

  • Go to the Purchases module. 
  • Select the Purchase Order that you need to add a tag on. Once the purchase order is selected, the Tag button will be visible on the top menu bar. Clicking on the tag button will open an add tag dialog box.
  • In the add tag dialogue box, if the tag already exists for the value that you entered, it will pick the same and assign it to the purchase orders.
    However, if a new tag is entered you can click on Create new tag button for adding a new one.

Here’s how you’ll be able to the tags on the purchase order detail page and main Purchases listing page.

Adding Tags to Purchase Orders in Bulk:

  • Select the Purchase Orders you want to add the tags for using the check-box. 
  • Click the Tags button on the top menu and add your desired tag. 

Manage Purchase Order Tags: 

To manage purchase order tags, go to Settings > Purchases > Tags. 

Here’s a list of actions that you can perform for the existing tags:

  • You can change the color of the tag by clicking on a color dot right next to the tag name.
  • You can edit the name of the tag by clicking on the Edit button. It will apply the change on all purchase orders too.
  • You can Delete the tag if it’s no longer required. It will be removed from all purchase orders as well.


Tags in Customers:

Create Tags:

  • Go to the Customers module. 
  • Select the Customer you need to add a tag on.
  • Upon selection, you’ll see a button on the top menu called Add Tag
  • Clicking that will open a dialogue box that lets you enter the tag. In the add tag dialogue box, if the tag already exists for the value that you entered, it will pick the same and assign it to the purchase orders.
    However, if a new tag is entered you can click on Create new tag button for adding a new one.

Here’s how you’ll be able to the tags added on the customer detail page and on the main Customers listing page.

Adding Tags for Customers in Bulk:

  • Select the Customers you want to add the tags for using the check-box. 
  • Click the button Add Tag button on the top menu and add your desired tag. 

Manage Customer Tags:

To manage Customer tags, go to Settings > Orders > Customer Tags. 

Here’s a list of actions that you can perform for the existing tags:

  • You can change the color of the tag by clicking on a color dot right next to the tag name.
  • You can edit the name of the tag by clicking on the Edit button. It will apply the change on all customers too.
  • You can Delete the tag if it’s no longer required. It will be removed from all customers as well.

Tags in Bill of Materials:

Create Tags:

  • Go to the BOM module. 
  • Select the BOM you need to add a tag on.
  • Once the BOM is open, you’ll see a button on the bottom right corner for adding the Tag. Alternatively, you can select the BOM from Draft status and click on Add Tag button. Clicking that will open a dialogue box that lets you enter the tag.

  • In the add tag dialogue box, if the tag already exists for the value that you entered, it will pick the same and assign it to the BOM.
    However, if a new tag is entered you can click on Create new tag button for adding a new one.

Here’s how you’ll be able to the tags added on the BOM detail page and on the main BOM listing page.

Adding Tags for BOM in Bulk:

  • Select the BOMs you want to add the tags for using the check-box. 
  • Click the button Add Tag button on the bottom menu and add your desired tag. 

Manage BOM Tags:

To manage BOM tags, go to Settings > BOM > Tags. 

Here’s a list of actions that you can perform for the existing tags:

  • You can change the color of the tag by clicking on a color dot right next to the tag name.
  • You can edit the name of the tag by clicking on the Edit button. It will apply the change on all BOMs too.
  • You can Delete the tag if it’s no longer required. It will be removed from all BOMs as well.

Tags in Work Orders:

Create Tags:

  • Go to the WO (work orders) module. 
  • Select the Work Order you need to add a tag on.
  • Once the Work Order is open, you’ll see a button on the bottom right corner for adding the Tag. Clicking that will open a dialogue box that lets you enter the tag.
  • In the add tag dialogue box, if the tag already exists for the value that you entered, it will pick the same and assign it to the Work Order.
    However, if a new tag is entered you can click on Create new tag button for adding a new one.

Here’s how you’ll be able to the tags added on the Work Order detail page.

Manage Work Order Tags:

To manage BOM tags, go to Settings > Work Order > Tags. 

Here’s a list of actions that you can perform for the existing tags:

  • You can change the color of the tag by clicking on a color dot right next to the tag name.
  • You can edit the name of the tag by clicking on the Edit button. It will apply the change on all work orders too.
  • You can Delete the tag if it’s no longer required. It will be removed from all work orders as well.


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