Push Listing - Overview

Push listing is a feature that can help you create and update your product listings right away from Cin7 Orderhive. This means that you will not need to visit the admin panel of your store for listing management and can manage it in a few clicks from Cin7 Orderhive itself.

Cin7 Orderhive push listing allows you to create new products in Cin7 Orderhive and push them to the respective channels. It also facilitates pushing product listings that have synced from different channels, to a particular channel.

Note: Currently Cin7 Orderhive supports push listing of products only for Woocommerce, Shopify and Amazon (for existing ASINs).

Reaching Push Listing:

  • Login to your Cin7 Orderhive account
  • Click on Listing




List Products from Cin7 Orderhive to channel:

Please follow the below steps to start push listing products to the channel.

  • Create Product/Select Existing Product
  • Click On More
  • Click On Add to Listing

  • Select the Store you want to list the product to and Click on Done

  • As you click on the Done product will be shown in the listing section under the Draft stage under the listing panel.
  • If the product status is Valid, which means that the necessary details like the name, SKU etc are already present in the product, then you can move ahead and click on Published.

  • In case there is uncertainty about the product details present, you can check the same by clicking on Validate. If there is any mandatory information missing due to which the status can be Invalid, you can check the reason for the same by viewing the Listing Logs available on the detail page of the product.


  • After making changes, you need to validate the changes and then you can publish the product.


  • Once you publish the product, the status will change to published.


  • You can also make changes in the published product. Double click on the product, edit the details and click on Save & Republish it.



It is also possible to unpublish the product at any given point of time.

  • Select the product 
  • Click on Unpublish


  • As you click on unpublish, the product will be shown under the unpublished tab. You can also validate or republish that product later from the same tab.


  • Duplicates can also be created of the existing listing with the help of Duplicate functionality.



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