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  2. Integration Reauthorization

Xero Reauthorization

This article will guide you on how to reauthorize the Xero API key. Please follow the instructions below.

Step 1: Login to your Cin7 Orderhive admin account (my.orderhive.com)

Step 2: Go to Integrate>>>Active Integration>>>Go inside Xero Integration.

Step 3: Deactivate the integration

Step 4: Choose a reason and click on deactivate.

Step 5: Your Xero store will be disconnected and the connect to Xero button will be visible on the top right corner.

Step 6: You will be redirected to the Xero login page. Please login using the admin account.

Step 7: You will be redirected to the Cin7 Orderhive integration page. Go inside the Xero integration page

Step 8: You will see Xero integration active again.


Please feel free to contact support@orderhive.com for any further questions.